Did you know Santa adores rice pudding with berry juice soup? He loves gingerbread cookies, too – like me! Try this delicious reindeer version (not made with real reindeers!)
Sam encountered a few elves face to face in my story. Here are some crazy masks you can colour in and confuse your friends with.
Nothing is more fun nor frustrating than a jigsaw puzzle! Oh no, Santa has fallen to bits – must be the pressure of all those deliveries in one night! Try your hand at piecing Santa back together. Then visit the Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles page for even more amazing online jigsaws to complete! You can make them as easy or as difficult as you like simply by changing the number of pieces you play with. Have fun! Scroll down for an aMAZing maze puzzle. Santa is as desperate as Sam to find the missing mail. Can you help him?

Click here for a sleigh-load of literacy, craft & maths activities by the awesome teaching resources website READILEARN
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