Dimity Powell writes for children because she believes being a kid is one of the coolest things you can be…next to riding dragons and lying under palm trees. She believes in magic and that ice cream tastes divine in any flavour, except maybe rainbow sherbet. She hopes the dozens of stories she’s conjured up over the years will be read by children who love to curl up with books as much as she does.

‘I want my words to matter; for my picture books to remain in children’s hearts like well-loved tunes and my stories to resonate integrity. I thrive on delivering more than expected, accepting challenges I have to stand on tippy toes to reach, and celebrating the profound art of story. And I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.’

Dimity believes… words have the power to influence and guide, polarise and unite, shock and comfort. When woven together into a story web, they should elicit emotion, enlighten, and enthral but most of all, entertain. And because Dimity is a below average singer and never learnt to tap dance, she chooses to entertain children by writing for them.
'I READ, to review, research, and out of curiosity but mostly to enjoy the musicality of well-composed stories.'
'I WRITE every day, in my diary, to make lists (I love listing), and to stay in touch but mostly to set all the words whirling about in my head free.'
'I INSPIRE imaginations and passion by passing on the multitude of marvellous wonders and wisdoms I've learned along the way to anyone who’ll listen, because my main role as a writer is SHARING.'

Not in the mood for reading? Use the headphones to listen to Dimity's podcast interview on The Author's Shelf instead!
Or click on the mic for Dimity's latest interview with Josie Scott's Once Upon a Time ABC Radio Gold Coast
Or...why not treat yourself to a very special audio recording of Dimity's adult non-fiction short story, Kismet's Odyssey, featured in the anthology, The Turning Point: Moments That Changed Lives. Click on the speech bubble below to access Dimity's exclusive reading.