It’s always a joy to see your story in print. For the most part, this happens in English. If you are really lucky, your books are distributed around the globe throughout an atlas of countries. If you are blessed with great publishers and International Rights agents, your beautiful works are ultimately translated so that kids in countries like China, Hong Kong and central Europe gain full benefit of your stories in their own languages. Here, you’ll find a few of the titles I am blessed to share internationally.
THE FIX-IT MAN aka The Universal Magnum Repair – Simplified Chinese
This simplified Chinese version released in July 2021 in China. It is part of a 5 book pack set containing a curated selection of ‘healing picture books’ originally published by EK Books for Ubay Parent-Child Library in China by Orient Press. It forms part of their ‘Love and Life Education’ Picture Book recommendations.
Ubay is a well-known parent-child reading service organization in China. With the mission of “making childhood the beginning of happiness”, it is committed to promoting parent-child reading in every family. Up to now, there are 3,000 Youbei parent-child libraries in 300 cities, and Tongshutong, an online platform for parent-child reading consulting services and guidance for families with children aged 0-8.
Interestingly, my name is shown in a vocal phonetic form: Dee-mee-dee, Bow-way-err, as shown in the top right corner under the title.
Discover more and order this very special box-set directly through Ubay.
THE FIX-IT MAN aka Tatko Napraw To – Daddy Fix It – Polish
Appearing in Poland from August 2023, Daddy Fix It has been receiving a heartwarming reception from people who believe it is: a beautiful book with an important message, that grabs the heart, and addresses a difficult topic.
Described by the overseas publishing house, Wydawinictwo No Bell, Daddy Fix-It is a moving book showing the process of accepting the loss of a parent by a child. This is a song about how to mend broken hearts and soothe the longing for loved ones who have passed away. I am filled with unbridled szczęście (happiness!) by the momentum and meaningfulness this book continues to display.
Translation by Tomasz Zymer. ISBN: 9788367823029. Learn more and source the book internationally, here.
Tata potrafi wiele naprawić i zreperować. Zna różne sposoby i tricki, dzięki którym wszystko jakoś się trzyma! Ale rozklejony tatko też wymaga naprawienia. A najlepiej naprawia miłość … Książka wzruszająca do granic możliwości, a przy tym subtelna i czuła, która już sama w sobie jest plasterkiem na pęknięte serce. Zbiera w całość porozbijane emocje, by nadać im odpowiedni kierunek. Delikatnie koi popękane serca, które w tym trudnym czasie szukają pocieszenia i utlenia. Łagodne ilustracje delikatnie, acz wyraźnie oddają wszystko co ważne. Mali Pasjonaci, Review Blogger
THIS IS MY DAD aka Este es Mi Papá – This Is My Dad – Spanish
Thrilled to see Leo gracing Mexican bookshops and online stores. This Spanish version published by Trillas editorial in March 2023 just a year after the English version by EK Books, reads with the same heart and soul as Nicky and I intended. Here is the synopsis in Spanish for all you Español speakers!
Leo solo vive con su mamá, ella es autora de libros infantiles y pasa los días creando nuevos mundos y luchando contra monstruos. Leo nunca ha conocido a su papá, por eso empieza a preocuparse cuando su maestra anuncia que el tema de la clase será Día de contar algo sobre tu papá. ¿Cómo puede hablar de alguien que no conoce?
Leo only lives with his mother, she is a children’s book author and spends her days creating new worlds and fighting monsters. Leo has never met his dad, so he starts to worry when his teacher announces that the class topic will be “Tell About Your Dad Day.” How can he talk about someone he doesn’t know?
ISBN: 9786071745262 Visit the Trillas website ( for more information and to purchase a copy – por favor!
Coming soon in Slovenian! Via Miš Zalozba Publishing
AT THE END OF HOLYROOD LANE aka Burza nad Aleją Pogodną – Storm Over A Serene Avenue – Polish
Thrilled to pieces that one of my best received and beloved titles is now available in Polish thanks to European publisher, Wydawinictwo No Bell They describe Storm over Aleja Pogodno as ‘a book that helps to equip a child with the knowledge that whenever he or she feels threatened, he or she can and should seek help from a safe adult. In 2019, the book was honored with the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.’
Iskierka jest jak każde dziecko. Uwielbia gonić motyle i bawić się w jesiennych liściach. Jednak życie przy Alei Pogodnej jest często nieprzewidywalne i gwałtowne, ponieważ dziewczynkę nękają ciągłe burze, powodując, że kuli się ona ze strachu i chowa, gdzie tylko może. Iskierka robi wszystko, aby znieść ich uporczywy gniew. Pewnego dnia postanawia jednak opanować lęk – szuka wsparcia i wychodzi naprzeciw burzy.
Burza nad Aleją Pogodną to książka pozwalająca wyposażyć dziecko w wiedzę, że zawsze, gdy będzie czuło się zagrożone, może i powinno szukać pomocy bezpiecznej osoby dorosłej.
W 2019 roku książka została uhonorowana przyznawaną przez organizację Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators nagrodą SCBWI Crystal Kite Award. Translation by Tomasz Zymer. ISBN: 9788367823111 Visit Wydawinictwo No Bell to purchase this special edition.
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