My tale, Park Ride, appears in this decisive collection of amusing and thought provoking short stories and poems. Shortlisted for the 2014 Charlotte Duncan Award, I penned the first version of this tale about a young girl caught in the grip of anxiety as she waits to learn the outcome of her father’s brain surgery in 2007.
Like all memorable tales, this one stems from a very memorable real life event. I am overjoyed to see it in print and hope it is just as joyful to read.
Published: July 2015
Publisher: Celapene Press $25.00
ISBN: 9780992441401
Format: Paperback 130pp
Ideal for: Lovers of stories and poems with a twist. Park Ride suitable for 9 – 12 year-olds.
Type: Anthology
Praise for Park Ride:
Am sitting on a train and have just finished reading Park Ride. Still have a lump in my throat. What a beautiful story. Pat Simmons – Author
Loved the uplifting ending! You took me to the “dark night of the soul” then hoisted me right out of it to a beautiful place. Ben Long – Author
I thoroughly enjoyed your short story. In fact, I enjoyed it so much it left me wanting more! It is beautifully written and conveys so much sentiment – I too felt the heat, smelt the smells, and felt a certain anxiousness awaiting to hear the news on the well-being of Jadie’s beloved father. Rhana O’Brien – avid reader